to the website of the Athene Primary School in Berlin Lichterfelde. We would like to inform you about all aspects of our school on this website.
Our school consists of two parts – the normal German stream, teaching the German children usually living in our intake area, and secondly a German-Greek stream belonging to the State-Europe-School-Berlin, (Staatliche Europa-Schule Berlin – SESB) where children are taught bilingually. In both sections of our school the most important educational aims are teaching the children tolerance and making them aware of European diversity and multilingualism.
Due to the modern architecture of the building rooms and hallways are big and light-flooded with lots of space for learning and playing. Subject-rooms for Science and Art are available as well as a big multi-purpose hall with a stage and modern lighting equipment for performances and celebrations and a well-equipped kitchen for our pupils. A modern computer lab with 25 work places enables the children to work with modern media. Digital whiteboards are installed in some classrooms.
Main features on the playground apart from climbing frames are an area for ballgames and a sandpit. There is a little forest with high trees providing shadow (Hofwäldchen) and a school garden cared for by children under supervision.
We are very proud of our modern 1000 m2 gymnasium which can be divided into two sections if necessary. A very special and unusual feature of our school is the huge roof set on stilts with athletics facilities, a football pitch and a play area. You must see it to believe it!!
We celebrate an annual Advent Bazaar and a Summer Fete to which ALL are welcome.
In Autumn we usually hold an ‘Open House’ (Tag der offenen Türen) where tours of our premises are offered by pupils.
If you would like to receive the latest news about the Athene-Grundschule and don’t want to miss important dates and information subscribe to our newsletter here.
With our newsletter we want to inform you about actual news about the school’s every day life, events and activiities. If you want to subscribe we need a valid email address as well as informations which make it possible for us to make sure that you and your child are members of our school community. These informations are solely used within our system for the above described purpose and are not forwarded to third parties. After sending your application for subscription you will receive an email in which you will be asked to confirm your subscription order . Thus we want to make sure that no third party is able to misuse your personal data. You can unsubscribe any time!